Did you know that you can grow brown flax?

Brown Flax

Did you know that you can grow brown flax?

Do you take flax seed oil? Did you know that you can grow brown flax?

We sure Do!

The latin name for flax is Linum usitatissimum, meaning “very useful”.
Many people today looking to reduce or remove meat from their diets are needing to supplement their daily intake with Omega-3 and/or Omega -6. And others just looking to improve the quality of their food consumption are adding it too.

Brown Flax is readily available as a gel cap in any health food store, and it’s an easy thing to just swallow an Omega-3 capsule and be on your way, but, what are you missing?

Flax seed oil is exactly that, just the oil. None of the additional nutrients from the plant or the seed are included, and that’s unfortunate.

Brown Flax and Golden Flax are some of the best natural sources of lignans, a compound that has been found to reduce the risk of both prostate cancer and breast cancer. Flax has up to 800 times more lignans than other plants. Flax also provides a significant amount of choline, helping cell communication in the body.

Flax contains all nine essential amino acids, and as for Omega -3, Flax has more of it than salmon. ALA, DHA, and EPA, these three omega-3 acids can reduce hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis and obesity. They have antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties, the ability to improve cardiovascular health, and protect the brain from stroke. They protect from renal disease, osteoporosis, eye disease and autoimmune conditions.
Flax is also a great source of fiber, protein, thiamine, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, iron, folate, and vitamin B6.

As with anything, moderation is necessary. Flax is very high in phytoestrogen, can cause diarrhea, and may cause reactions to certain medications. It may be best to consult your health professional to ensure you’re in the clear.

In conclusion, Brown Flax microgreens has up to 6 times the concentrations of nutrients by weight when compared to flax powder, it’s pretty powerful stuff. So why would you miss out on all the nutrients of this fantastic microgreen for a gel cap that’s missing half the good stuff?