What the heck is Red Amaranth?

Red Amaranth

What the heck is Red Amaranth?

Red Garnet Amaranth microgreens is a popular variety usually chosen for it’s amazing colour. It has beautiful dark red leaves, and iridescent fuchsia coloured stems. It makes an excellent garnish to any dish, and has a mild beet flavour profile. In fact, Red Amaranth comes from the same family as beets, spinach and quinoa.

Amaranth seed has been valued by indigenous cultures of Central and South America for thousands of years due to its high protein, vitamin and mineral levels. Ancient Aztecs ground the seed and mixed it with maize to make a variety of foods. Red Amaranth is gluten free, and for every 100 grams of produce, includes 2.5g. of protein, and 23 calories. This amount also includes 48% of the recommended Daily Value of Vitamin C and 950% of the DV for Vitamin K! Loaded with vitamin A, vitamin E, it’s got manganese, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and zinc.

But here’s something interesting, Amaranth has Lysine which enables the body to absorb calcium and aids in nutritional uptake, and Tryptophan which is an a-amino acid used in the biosynthesis of protein and also used to make serotonin and melatonin.

Maybe you’re interested in Red Amaranth for its nutrition, perhaps it doesn’t matter and you simply love the vibrant colour, either way we have fresh Red Garnet Amaranth available for you every day at our shop located at 1160-A Heron Rd. We’re open 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Stop in today and taste the difference! You’ll be glad you did.